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Night Diver

Even your local dive site offers a whole new adventure by moonlight! To take advantage of this extraordinary specialty, you’ll need to be at least PADI Open Water Diver (PADI Junior Open Water Diver or equivalent) and 12 or older.


During your program you’ll go on three open water dives. You'll learn to prepare night dive activities and develop your knowledge and techniques for night diving.

Some of the topics covered are:


  • Planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and hazards of night diving.

  • Proper procedures for buoyancy control, navigation and communication.

  • Use of dive lights and buddy-system techniques.

  • Disorientation and emergency procedures.

  • Orientation to nocturnal aquatic life.


The elective Night Dive conducted during the PADI Adventures In Diving program

may count toward this specialty at the discretion of the instructor.

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