Swimming Classes
Parents and children (ages 6 months up to 5 years) learn together to increase a child's comfort level in the water and build a foundation of basic skills, such as arm and leg movements and breath control.
Tue 5:00-5:45pm
Th 9:00-9:45am, 9:45-10:30am, 10:30-11:15am, 11:15-Noon
Th 5:00-5:45pm, 5:45-6:30pm or 6:30-7:15pm
Sat 10:30-11:15am, 11:15-Noon, 12:00-12:45pm, 12:45-1:30pm
Water Babies(Parent and Child Aquatics
Learn-to-Swim Programs (ages 4 - Adult)
Red Cross Learn-to-Swim features six levels of instruction to help swimmers of all ages and abilities develop their skills.
Level 1 - Introduction to Water Skills
Mon 4:15-5:00pm, Wed 4:15-5pm, Thur 4:15-5:00pm,
Fri 4:15-5:00pm, or Sat 9:00-9:45am
Level 2 - Fundamental Aquatic Skills
Mon 5:00-5:45pm
Wed 5:00-5:45pm
Fri 5:00-5:45pm
Sat 9:45-10:30am
Level 3 and 4 - Stroke Development and Improvement
Mon 4:15-5:00pm
Wed 5:00-5:45pm
Th 4:15-5:00pm
Sat 9:45-10:30am
Level 5 and 6 - Stroke Refinement, Swimming and skill proficiency, Personal
water safety, Fundamentals of diving, Fitness Swimmer
Mon 5:00-5:45pm
Fri 5:00-5:45pm
Adult only learn to swim(15years and up)
Tue. 9:00-9:45am
Th 7:15-8:00pm
Course Fees: $89.68 w/tax for 8 weeks or $84.40 w/tax for 8 weekswith $5.00 discount when paid by cash or check
*Class times subject to change
Next session starts Oct 19th -Dec 19th Open Registration starts Oct 12th at 4PM