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SS Wisconsin


The steamer Wisconsin was a steel freighter of 215 feet in length.  On the night of Oct. 29, 1929 off of Kenosha, WI, the Wisconsin's cargo of iron castings, automobiles, and boxed freight shifted during a north gale.  The ship's pumps could not keep up with the incoming water.   The tug Search, two Coast Guard vessels, and a local fishing boat came to assist and take passengers aboard.  While waiting for her running mate, the Illinois, to come from Milwaukee to tow the Wisconsin to the Kenosha port, she suddenly plunged beneath the pounding waves.  Nine crew members went down with her, including the captain who was pulled from the water but died later on shore.


Today, the Wisconsin lies six and half miles east-southeast of Kenosha in 130 feet of water.   The superstructure is gone with I-beams and supports remaining.  Inside the wreck much machinery, and cargo can still be seen along with three automobiles, a Hudson, Essex, and a Chevrolet touring car.  Due to the depth, and visibility, it is recommended to use a good dive light on this dive as well as be advanced certified.   You should NOT penetrate this wreck without proper training and equipment. 

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